Quote Originally Posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
Executive Director Report
I am going to make this brief, just touch on a few key items.

Memberships and tournament activity continue to rise.
It is difficult to keep up, but keep it coming, it is better than being bored.

The office team is working well together.
Don Parakin, our webmaster and IT guru.
George Stajov, our JustGo membership expert.
Brian Floyd, invoicing and data analysis.

Feel free to deal directly with them on specific issues, no need for everything to go thru myself.

The executive and other officers are busy doing their thing. John Upper, our newsletter editor is close to a new issue. John also has a press pass for the candidates.

At last count our membership count has reached 5,020 and continues to climb.
New clubs popping up everywhere. To keep up we absolutely need to keep pushing everyone to use our online JustGo membership, even with all the problems.

We do need to evolve, upgrade our infrastructure. A new rating software program, with possibly an integrated membership system. Dealing with the day-to-day stuff, this often feels like a pipe dream, but maybe if I say it out loud often enough, well who knows. I am encouraged to see Vlad mention it in his opening remarks.

Training for arbiters, organizers, volunteers, on SwissSys and JustGo.
Yup, we need that too. I see this has been mentioned on another thread, so I will comment further there.

That brings me to ratings. It has been fun finally getting at some ratings analysis. How do we deal with rating deflation, is it real, how much, and how do we react to the FIDE rating adjustment. I will join the conversation on another thread.

That’s all for now. Good evening.
I would like to send out a big special thanks to Bob for the SO MUCH that he does!!
Also thank to Don, George, Brian for the support that they're providing to Bob/us!!
These are people that we should always let play for free?! They keep us running!!