View Full Version : Spring Quarterly ( April ) Governors' On-line Meeting - Summaries

Bob Armstrong
08-28-2010, 10:55 PM
Gerry Litchfield, CFC E.D., has now posted the " summaries " of the Spring Quarterly ( April ) Governors' On-line meeting on the CFC Website, in the same list as the Governors' Letters, as 2009/10 Online 1 .

Now all members have easy access to what the Governors accomplished at that meeting.

Thanks to President Bob G for so quickly arranging the posting of the summaries, after their not making it into 2009-10 GL # 5.

The next meeting is the Fall Quarterly ( October ) Governors' On-line Meeting. The Governors are currently preparing a draft agenda for that meeting, so that the President, conferring with the CFC Secretary, can finalize it next month.
