View Full Version : National Capital Open: $30 October discount (bit tight timeline)

Aris Marghetis
10-06-2010, 10:36 PM
Hi chess fans, I am excited to announce the 2010 National Capital Open! Given registration trends over the last few Ottawa weekenders, I am predicting that we will have at least 70 players, and a prize fund of at least $3K! In addition, we have secured nicer playing rooms, in the East Wing of the RA Centre. For those of you who attended the 2009 Ontario Open, you'll recall the Courtside rooms had more space, better lighting, and much better soundproofing!

Just like my last few Ottawa weekenders, there are 3 levels of early-bird discounts. The $30 triple-early discount can be taken advantage of only during the rest of October. Please note that there is a bit of an irregular pressure on that timeline, in that I will be at the WYCC for the last half of October. I cannot be sure of my email access during that time, and so I would strongly encourage any email questions as soon as feasible before I leave on October 18th. I expect to be returning late November 1st, and to go to the mailbox on November 2nd. All registrations that I find in the mailbox that day benefit from the $30 triple-early discount. In the interest of being fair, any registration payments after that mailbox visit, can only benefit from a smaller early discount.

For players who would prefer to register at the RA club on a Thursday evening, due to my trip to the WYCC, the triple-early discount timeline is a bit tight. As I will be at the WYCC for October 21st & 28th, that leaves only October 7th & 14th for players who would prefer to take advantage of the $30 triple-early discount at the RA club on a Thursday evening. However, I am also working both of those evenings, and so will arrive at the RA Centre after the regular 730pm start to the round. I expect to be there by 9pm on October 7th, and by 11pm on the 14th. I figure that I will set up a table in the hallway, or in one of neighbouring conference rooms, or in the restaurant. I realize this is not perfectly convenient, but will try to accommodate by staying there until 1130pm.

Yours in chess,

Aris Marghetis, FIDE Arbiter
Organizer/TD, EOCA President
arismarghetis at rogers dot com

Please note that we are looking for up to 5 floater players :
- floater players help the TD guarantee no “forced byes”
- floater players are paired and rated like all the players
- floater players play for free, but under some conditions :
----- they play in 0 to 5 rounds, depending on byes by all the players
----- they can be phoned/texted in the hour before every single round
----- they have a current CFC membership by the time of first pairings
If you are interested in being a floater player for this event, please apply by email

--------- ongoing registration list ---------

entries posted @ ChessTalk : http://www.chesstalk.info/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=2

CFC# rating name: title last, first

P.S. All applicable ratings will be rechecked before first pairings at 7pm.

--------- original event announcement ---------

The Eastern Ontario Chess Association (EOCA) organizes the EOCA Grand Prix, a series of weekend tournaments over the 2010-2011 chess season.

The next EOCA event in Ottawa is the National Capital Open, on November 12th-14th. It will consist of 5 rounds, with flexible bye and discount options.

We are planning 5 sections (rated CFC, upper sections also rated FIDE), and prizes for every 200 rating points (last 2 Ottawa events averaged $2900!)

For more details on this event, and a great webpage for all of the events in the 2010-2011 EOCA Grand Prix, please consider bookmarking this weblink :