View Full Version : January 2011 Governors Online Meeting

Bob Gillanders
02-07-2011, 08:59 PM
Thanks to Wilf Ferner for bringing to our attention that we neglected to post the voting results from the January governors meeting. Oops :o

They were posted on the governors board and will also be included in the next GL.

Motions and results of voting:

1. Motion 2011-B: (moved by Vladimir Birarov, seconded by Valer Demian:
Motion to replace current wording of Handbook paragraph 1012 with following new wording:

1012.Participation in the World Events:


(a) Canadian Youth Chess Championship (CYCC) is a qualifier to international youth chess competitions.

Top 3 finishers in each section are qualified to become official representatives for:
1) World Youth Chess Championship (WYCC);
2) Pan American Youth Chess Championship;
3) North American Youth Chess Championship.

If the winner is unable to participate, the second place finisher shall be invited to go in his place. If the second place finisher also declines, the highest finisher in the tournament who is willing to participate in the world event (if not rejected by CFC Executive due to the sub paragraph (d)), shall be selected. The CFC Board of Directors shall use an appropriate tie breaking method to break ties if required to determine the order of finish.

All official representatives to WYCC should receive financial support from CFC to reduce their travel expenses.

(b) Players with the Special Rights according to FIDE rules will be eligible to participate at WYCC notwithstanding to their participation at CYCC. In case of participation at CYCC, CFC will pay the cost of transportation for such players to WYCC in full.


(c) 2nd and 3rd prize-winners (including tie-breakers for 2nd and 3rd places) in each category will be eligible to participate at WYCC using their own funds.

(d) All other CYCC participants wishing to participate at WYCC are eligible to submit to CFC their applications for participation during 15 days after ending of CYCC. CFC Executive has the right to reject the application in case if the applicant's level at his discretion is significantly lower than the average level of his/her category at WYCC. All players whose applications will be approved will be eligible to participate at WYCC using their own funds plus paying extra fee of $150 to CFC Youth Program fund.

(e) 3 top CFC rated players in each category (by January 1st of the current year) if not able to participate at CYCC due to extraordinary circumstances, and wishing to participate at WYCC, are eligible to submit to CFC their applications for participation at WYCC before the start of CYCC. CFC Executive has the right to reject the application at their discretion in case if applicant's circumstances are not valid and/or exceptional. All players whose applications will be approved will be eligible to participate at WYCC using their own funds plus paying extra fee of $300 to CFC Youth Program fund.

2. Motion 2011-C (renumbered 28e)
: (moved by Michael Barron, seconded by Anna Jin)

To amend section 1003 of the CFC Handbook:
"1003. Players: {Motion 2009-13 2009 AGM Nadeau/Lavin}
The following players shall be eligible to participate in each Youth Tournament provided they comply with the formal entry requirements of Article 1007:
(a) The qualifiers from that year's YCC's.
(b) The qualifiers from the CYCC to the WYCC of the previous year.
(c) The highest rating of each age category {open & female} of each Province {as of May 1st prior to the CYCC}
(d) The host organizer may nominate three players for each category from the host location. {Amendment of Original Motion Barron/Langer}"

by adding the clause:

"(e) The former CYCC champions"

3. Motion 2011 – D – On-line Meeting Procedures Amendment to s. 5 – Constitutional Amendments – For Discussion – Bob Armstrong

Governors please note that this is a Constitutional Amendment whose passage is subject to the provisions of the Handbook
Motion 2011 – D – On-line Meeting Procedures Amendment to s. 5 – Constitutional Amendments – For Discussion

Moved: Bob Armstrong; Seconded: Michael von Keitz

- that SECTION 2 –Rules and Regulations, Article One, section 22A – Procedures for Governors’ On-Line Meetings, s. 5, :be amended by deleting the words: “, and 50% quorum for non-AGM constitutional amendments “.

4. Motion 2011- E - No Proxy for Governors’ On-line Meetings – For Discussion – Bob Armstrong
- Motion 2011- E - No Proxy for Governors’ On-line Meetings – For Discussion

Moved: Bob Armstrong; Seconded: Fred McKim

- That Rules and Regulations, s. 21, Proxies, be amended by adding after the words

“21. Any Governor who is unable to be personally present at a meeting of the Assembly may appoint any person to act as his proxy.”

the following sentence:

" Proxies are not applicable to the non-AGM quarterly governors’ on-line meetings – this is directed, beyond generally, at Bylaw # 3, s. 3 ( a ). "

5. Motion 2011 – F – Opening Governors’ On-line Meeting to the Public – For Discussion –
Moved: Bob Armstrong; Seconded: Ken Einarsson

- that CFC Handbook SECTION 2 – Rules and Regulations, Article One, section 22A – Procedures for Governors’ On-Line Meetings be amended as follows:

1. Section 1, The Meeting, subsection (i ) be amended by deleting the words “

the CFC Governors’ Discussion Board “ and substituting for them the following:

“ a special public CFC Discussion Forum. However the limitations shall be:

1. only governors will be able to post;
2. the public will be able to see all posts, replies, polls, etc. seen by the Governors, but shall have “ view-only “ status; they will be unable to post.

Where the governors vote that a matter is “ confidential “ in nature, and should be dealt with “ in camera “, the Chairperson shall direct that the meeting be adjourned to such Private CFC Discussion Forum as may be available, including the Governors’ Discussion Board. In such a case, after the confidential matter has been dealt with, the Chair shall direct that the meeting resume in the public forum.

2. Section 3, Role of the Posting Secretary, s.5, Vote Results, and s. 6, Meeting Minutes, be amended by substituting for the words “ Governors’ Discussion Board “ wherever they occur, the words “ meeting Discussion Board “

6. Motion 28f – CYCC Qualification
Motion: Bob Gillanders (mover), Stuart Brammall (seconder)

To amend section 1003 of the CFC Handbook:
"1003. Players: {Motion 2009-13 2009 AGM Nadeau/Lavin}
The following players shall be eligible to participate in each Youth Tournament provided they comply with the formal entry requirements of Article 1007:
(a) The qualifiers from that year's YCC's.
(b) The qualifiers from the CYCC to the WYCC of the previous year.
(c) The highest rating of each age category {open & female} of each Province {as of May 1st prior to the CYCC}
(d) The host organizer may nominate three players for each category from the host location. {Amendment of Original Motion Barron/Langer}"

by adding the clause:

(f) where there is no provincial qualifier, up to 3 players may be qualified at the discretion of the provincial youth coordinator. In the absence of a Provincial Co-ordinator, players would apply to the CFC Youth Co-ordinator.

7. Motion 28g – Francisco Cabanas (mover), Stuart Brammall (seconder)

That motion 2011-C be amended as follows: Add "and Territory" after Province under clause (c)

The amended clause (c) would read:

(c) The highest rated of each age category {open & female} of each Province and Territory {as of May 1st prior to the CYCC}

8. Motion 28h – Stuart Brammall (mover), Bob Armstrong (seconder)

That section 1003 of the CFC handbook be amended to include the following:

(e) The top ten rated players in each age category in the country (as of may 1st prior to the CYCC).

Thus the text of section 1003 will be:

1003. Players: {Motion 2009-13 2009 AGM Nadeau/Lavin}
The following players shall be eligible to participate in each Youth Tournament provided they comply with the formal entry requirements of Article 1007:
(a) The qualifiers from that year's YCC's.
(b) The qualifiers from the CYCC to the WYCC of the previous year.
(c) The highest rating of each age category {open & female} of each Province {as of May 1st prior to the CYCC}
(d) The host organizer may nominate three players for each category from the host location. {Amendment of Original Motion Barron/Langer}
(e) The top ten rated players in each age category in the country (as of may 1st prior to the CYCC)

Voting results on next post (text was too long)

Bob Gillanders
02-07-2011, 09:00 PM

Motion 2011-B
Votes Yes (26) Armstrong, Barron, Birarov, I Bluvshtein, Bond, Brammall, Brodie, Bunning, Cabanas, Craver, Demian, Dutton, Einarsson, Felix, Field, Jin, Leblanc, McKim, Nadeau, Noritsyn, Ong, Palsson, Rekhson, Steer, von Keitz, Wu

Votes No (3): Craft, Doubleday, McDonald
Abstentions (2): Clark, Haley


Motion 2011-D
Votes Yes (20) Armstrong, Barron, I Bluvshtein, Bond, Brammall, Bunning, Cabanas, Clark, Craft, Dutton, Einarsson, Felix, Haley, Jin, Leblanc, McDonald, McKim, Steer, von Keitz, Wu, Votes
No (5): Craver, Doubleday, Field, Noritsyn, Palsson
Abstentions (5): Birarov, Brodie, Demian, Ong, Rekhson


Motion 2011-E
Votes Yes (31): Armstrong, Barron, Birarov, I Bluvshtein, Bond, Brammall, Brodie, Bunning, Cabanas, Clark, Craft, Craver, Demian, Doubleday, Dutton, Einarsson, Felix, Field, Haley, Jin, Leblanc, McDonald , McKim, Nadeau, Noritsyn, Ong, Palsson, Rekhson, Steer, von Keitz, Wu
Votes No (0)
Abstentions (0)


Motion 2011-F
Votes Yes (9): Armstrong, Craft , Demian, Doubleday, Einarsson, Haley, Jin, Rekhson ,Wu
Votes No (21): Barron, Birarov, I Bluvshtein, Bond, Brammall, Brodie, Bunning, Cabanas, Clark, Craver, Dutton ,Felix, Field, Leblanc, McKim ,Nadeau, Noritsyn, Ong, Palsson, Steer, von Keitz
Abstentions (1): McDonald


Motion 28E
Votes Yes (25): Armstrong, Barron, I Bluvshtein, Bond, Brammall, Brodie, Bunning, Cabanas, Clark, Craft, Craver, Dutton, Einarsson, Felix, Field, Haley, Jin, Leblanc, McKim, Noritsyn, Palsson, Rekhson, Steer, von Keitz, Wu
Votes No (4): Demian, McDonald, Nadeau, Ong
Abstentions (1): Birarov


Motion 28F
Votes Yes (23): Armstrong, I Bluvshtein, Bond, Brammall, Brodie, Bunning, Clark, Craft, Craver, Dutton, Felix, Field, Haley, Jin, Leblanc, McDonald, McKim, Noritsyn, Ong, Rekhson, Steer, von Keitz, Wu
Votes No (5): Barron, Birarov, Cabanas, Demian, Nadeau
Abstentions (0)


Motion 28G
Votes Yes (27): Armstrong, Barron, Birarov, I Bluvshtein, Bond, Brammall, Brodie ,Bunning, Cabanas, Craft, Craver, Demian, Dutton, Felix , Field ,Haley, Jin, Leblanc, McDonald, McKim, Nadeau, Noritsyn, Ong, Rekhson, Steer, von Keitz, Wu
Votes No (1): Clark
Abstentions (0)


Motion 28H
Votes Yes (14): Armstrong, Brammall, Brodie, Bunning, Craft, Dutton, Felix, Field, Haley, Jin, Leblanc, Rekhson, Steer, Wu
Votes No (11): Barron, Birarov, I Bluvshtein, Clark, Craver, Demian, McDonald, McKim, Nadeau, Noritsyn, von Keitz
Abstentions (3): Bond, Cabanas, Ong