View Full Version : The CCC Post ( Week of June 3 - 9/11 ).

Bob Armstrong
06-03-2011, 12:30 AM
The CCC Post ( Week of June 3 - 9/11 ).

CFC Office Outsourcing vs Office Staffing: The Cooperative Chess Coalition ( CCC ) would like to know whether a decision on these items is a “ major administrative “ decision, or a “ routine “ administrative decision. We understand that the former is for the governors to decide, and the latter for the Executive to decide. We ask because in 2009, President David Lavin terminated the CFC “ staff “ , and entered into an outsourcing contract for 2 years for all CFC Office functions. This was never pre-approved by the governors. Now the EKG outsourcing contract is completed and not to be renewed. But it appears from his one post on this, that President Bob Gillanders changed the structure of CFC office back into an “ employee contract “ arrangement ( he posted that details would be forthcoming ). Again, this was not pre-approved by the governors. There has not been a peep from the governors on this as far as we are aware. Do all governors agree this is an area of Executive decision-making?

Bob, CCC Coordinator
CCC Facebook Group Page : http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sfrm=1#!/home.php?sk=group_203533806343128&ap=1
CCC Twitter Account : http://www.twitter.com/coopchesscoalit

Christopher Mallon
06-03-2011, 06:31 AM
There is a boatload of precedents that decisions relating to the ED are strictly the President's responsibility, although frequently they have involved the Exec and infrequently the Governors.

That said, I *would* like to at least KNOW what's going on, as a Governor.

Fred McKim
06-03-2011, 07:31 AM
The CCC Post ( Week of June 3 - 9/11 ).

CFC Office Outsourcing vs Office Staffing: The Cooperative Chess Coalition ( CCC ) would like to know whether a decision on these items is a “ major administrative “ decision, or a “ routine “ administrative decision. We understand that the former is for the governors to decide, and the latter for the Executive to decide. We ask because in 2009, President David Lavin terminated the CFC “ staff “ , and entered into an outsourcing contract for 2 years for all CFC Office functions. This was never pre-approved by the governors. Now the EKG outsourcing contract is completed and not to be renewed. But it appears from his one post on this, that President Bob Gillanders changed the structure of CFC office back into an “ employee contract “ arrangement ( he posted that details would be forthcoming ). Again, this was not pre-approved by the governors. There has not been a peep from the governors on this as far as we are aware. Do all governors agree this is an area of Executive decision-making?

Bob, CCC Coordinator
CCC Facebook Group Page : http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sfrm=1#!/home.php?sk=group_203533806343128&ap=1
CCC Twitter Account : http://www.twitter.com/coopchesscoalit

I'm not going searching for the comment you are referring to, so I'm not sure if there is a contextual misunderstanding.

We have a new Management company who employ Gerry. I would consider this a minor change.

Bob Armstrong
06-03-2011, 07:59 AM
Hi Fred:

Thanks for the clarification - we had misunderstood Bob G's post then. So we have just changed outsourcing companies. We hope some further details on this will be forthcoming.

Bob , CCC Coordinator

Ken Craft
06-03-2011, 09:50 AM
Precisely when are the Governors going to be informed of the situation?

Fred McKim
06-03-2011, 10:00 AM
Precisely when are the Governors going to be informed of the situation?

I think that's a question for the Governor's Board.

Bob Gillanders
06-03-2011, 10:07 AM
Yes, I did promise more details later.
As Fred has already stated, it is a minor change.
I was going to follow up with the details at the AGM, but what am I crazy, that's still 38 days away. :o

Before I give you any details, let me just warn our new partners first. :)

Ken Craft
06-03-2011, 01:58 PM
Thanks, Bob G. Will further details be provided in the Governors foum in the near future? ie. before the Annual Meeting.

Bob Gillanders
06-03-2011, 02:22 PM
Thanks, Bob G. Will further details be provided in the Governors foum in the near future? ie. before the Annual Meeting.

Okay, that sounds appropriate. :)

Ken Craft
06-07-2011, 07:13 AM
Is there an estimated date for when this information will be forthcoming on the Governors' Board?

Vladimir Drkulec
06-13-2011, 09:41 PM
Thanks, Bob G. Will further details be provided in the Governors foum in the near future? ie. before the Annual Meeting.

How do I get to the governors forum?

Bob Armstrong
06-13-2011, 10:11 PM
Hi Vlad:

It is Bob G's opinion that you are only the Masters' Representative-elect. Your term of office as a non-executive officer and governor-at-large does not start until the July 12 Incoming Governors AGM.

So you will not yet be given access to the confidential Governors' Discussion Board, as far as I am aware. This is based on the understanding that the current Masters' Rep, Eddie Urquhart, has not resigned.


Christopher Mallon
06-13-2011, 11:43 PM
That is actually incorrect Bob, I just hadn't gotten around to the latest update yet. It's done now.

Bob Armstrong
06-13-2011, 11:50 PM
Hi Chris:

Although I can't find it now, I am sure that was Bob G.'s ruling when Vlad asked if he was now a governor.

But you are saying Vlad became a governor at the time he was chosen by the elite players to be their rep., at the Closed? If so, I will now substitute him for Eddie in my list of current governors. Please confirm this for me.

Also, does Vlad get to go to the outgoing governors meeting? Or is there no masters' rep. at that meeting?


Christopher Mallon
06-13-2011, 11:52 PM
It's in one of the SWOCL agm threads I believe. The handbook is clear and no ruling is required.

Fred McKim
06-14-2011, 07:33 AM
Hi Chris:

Although I can't find it now, I am sure that was Bob G.'s ruling when Vlad asked if he was now a governor.

But you are saying Vlad became a governor at the time he was chosen by the elite players to be their rep., at the Closed? If so, I will now substitute him for Eddie in my list of current governors. Please confirm this for me.

Also, does Vlad get to go to the outgoing governors meeting? Or is there no masters' rep. at that meeting?


Bator and Eric are also Governors now instead of Jean and Mark.

Bob Gillanders
06-14-2011, 08:11 AM
Vlad, Bator and Eric are all governors now, no need to wait for AGM. :D