View Full Version : Eastern Ontario Open: the event announcement

Aris Marghetis
04-29-2012, 04:35 PM
EOCA Tournaments webpage : http://www.eoca.org/htm/tournaments_2011-12.html
entries posted @ ChessTalk : http://www.chesstalk.info/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=2

The EOCA (Eastern Ontario Chess Association) is pleased to announce the final event of our 2011-2012 Grand Prix, the 2012 Eastern Ontario Open. Last year, this tournament hit a prize fund of $2500, and we are working hard to reach at least as much this year. Our recent rating cutoffs at 2200-1900-1600 have been much appreciated, and we are maintaining 4 sections around them, which should ensure 5 great games for everyone, regardless of skill level.

We are also adding a couple of discount tweaks :

1) The $30 triple-early discount will be available until THE DAY BEFORE the event starts!
2) The $20 Amateur discount is doubled to $40 for Amateurs with >1 pre-requested bye!

Yours in chess,

Aris Marghetis, IA/IO
arismarghetis at rogers dot com

N.B. June 1st : rechecking at least CFC Regular ratings

N.B. As this tournament occurs after the end of the University school year, travelling players can get great deals to stay in the residences of Carleton University, which is a convenient walking distance from the playing site. It is not right next door, but really is close enough, and includes free breakfasts!