View Full Version : CCC Discusses Chess - Posts of Interest - WCC Match Length.

Bob Armstrong
05-28-2012, 02:18 PM
Posted on the Cooperative Chess Coalition ( CCC ) Facebook chess discussion group, " CCC - Chess Posts of Interest ":

CCC Discusses Chess - Posts of Interest - WCC Match Length.

In the classical portion of the 12 game match, the results were:

Games 1-6 - drawn
Game 7- Gelfand
Game 8 - Anand
Games 9-12 - drawn

Can we expect top level players to take a lead in only 12 games. Aren't numbers of draws just expected? Isn't 12 games too short for a WC title? Should the World Championship be decided on tie-breaks, or worse yet, a single Armaggedon game? Is 24 games too long and expensive. What about 16 games? 20 games? What do you think the ideal and doable match length should be?

Bob, CCC member