View Full Version : CCC Discusses Chess - Posts of Interest - CCC Milestone!

Bob Armstrong
06-27-2012, 09:47 AM
Posted on the Cooperative Chess Coalition ( CCC ) Facebook chess discussion group, " CCC - Chess Posts of Interest " ( http://www.facebook.com/groups/cooperativechesscoalition/ )

CCC Discusses Chess - Posts of Interest - CCC Milestone!

Well, on Monday, June 25, Cooperative Chess Coalition ( CCC ) reached another milestone! CCC entered a chess tournament!!

The tournament was the Greater Toronto Chess League Cup, in Canada. It was a single swiss, with two prize levels. The " Club " level allowed 4 team members and one alternate of any strength, and some of the teams were ...strong - one boasted a former Canadian Champion. The " Open Competition " level saw both club and " pick up " teams, which had to have an average rating of 1800 and under. Eight teams played in all; 48 players at the boards, in the basement room of the Annex Chess Club in Toronto.

The playing terms were:

5 rounds; Game 15/5 sec. increment; $ 5/player ; expected to go from 7:30 PM to about midnight. CCC supporter, Alex Ferreira was chief TD ( no conflict of interest there! )

Our CCC team ( the CCC Commandos ) was shooting for the second level trophy. It was ( Chess Federation of Canada current ratings ): CCC member Erwin Casareno ( 2200 ); CCC member/Coordinator Bob Armstrong ( 1641 ); CCC member Ken Kurkowski ( 1550 ) and CCC supporter Steve Karpik ( 1466 ), giving us an average rating of 1714. Our alternate was to be member Sam Sharpe ( 1957 ), but he was unable to get free that evening.

We felt we might have performed a bit better, but didn't do badly. The scoring was done by match points, with game points determining any tie-break. Our record was: wins - 1; draws - 2; losses - 2 ( to two top tier teams ). Final standings have not yet been published, but when they are, I'll let you know how we fared in the final scoring.

Thanks to the team members who came out, especially to our long suffering fourth board, Steve, who just " loves to play players significantly higher rated than him ( and get his butt kicked ) "! It was a good, fun evening, with Toronto players seeing chess friends, and engaging in some semi-serious competition. Thanks to the GTCL who sponsored the tournament, and Annex CC who hosted it.

Bob, CCC Coordinator ( player extraordinaire! - 2 wins; 3 losses )