View Full Version : Ajedrez Wcoc recomendat​ion to the next PB meeting

Michael von Keitz
02-26-2013, 01:06 AM
Estimados colegas de America

Favor notar las recommendaciones hechas para la Presidential Board en FIDE

Deseamos su opiniones respecto a las clausulas debajo, para tener recomendaciones ante la FIDE.

WCOC recommendations to FIDE Presidential Board

1. Minimum Prize Fund (net to the players before local taxes) for all Continental Championships which are part of the World Championship Cycle, starting from 2014:
Europe: 150,000 EUR (75,000 EUR for women)
Asia: 50,000 USD (25,000 USD for women)
Americas: 50,000 USD (25,000 USD for women) supongo que alguien nos financiara este nuevo monto!
Africa: 20,000 USD (10,000 USD for women)

In case the above minimum amounts cannot be provided by the Continents, FIDE may decide to hold a qualifying event for the respective qualifying spots of each continent. La autonomia del continente esta comprometido

2. Regulations of Continental Championships which are part of the World Championship Cycle should be submitted to FIDE for approval at least 9 months before the event starts together with proposals by each Continent for Chief Arbiter and Appeals Committee. Final nomination of Chief Arbiter and Appeals Committee will be given by FIDE. La autonomia del continente esta comprometido

3. For WCC cycle events (including continentals and zonals), the “no draw offer” rule applies only for the first 30 moves, except events organized with the Swiss system where no kind of “no draw offer” rule shall be applied. Also no more than one game per day is allowed in WCC cycle events (including continentals and zonals) except tie-break matches. Habra que considerar costos

Félix Dumont
02-26-2013, 02:23 PM
Does it include zonals?

Fred McKim
02-26-2013, 03:28 PM
Does it include zonals?

The only change to zonal regulations is that there could not be any double rounds. If we ever held a RR zonal, then the 30 move no draw rule would be in effect.

From an earlier posting from Michael B, it appears that the IM qualification rule at the Zonal is being changed to 1st, 2nd or 3rd instead of top player with 66 %

FM now requires 60 or 65 % (I think, I'd have to check again)