View Full Version : IM Aman Hambleton victorious in England with near 2800 performance.

Eric Hansen
05-27-2013, 05:23 PM
Aman Hambleton just lay waste to a fairly strong UK field in a 7 round weekender. He finished with 6.5/7(2 wins over GMS) and full point ahead of second. Note there were three other Canadians playing including two pretty good performances. Nice to see Canadians traveling abroad.

Sunningdale Open

Final Standings (http://e2e4.org.uk/sunningdale/May2013/open.htm)

Félix Dumont
05-27-2013, 06:25 PM
Great performance by Aman! So sad it was only 7 rounds...

Also, I believe Mateusz Dydak is living there, so not much travelling for him.