View Full Version : 5D. Past President's Report

Fred McKim
06-18-2013, 01:14 PM
Moved from 5. Executive Reports

From Bob Gillanders:

Past Presidents Report (well, most of the year)

1) Saskatchewan
There is one significant number on the financials which I hope we do not gloss over.
It is the Donations revenue of $ 5,506.50.
But, as I understand it, this is not really good news.
In April, the CFC received a cheque for $ 5,300 from the Saskatchewan Chess Association. They have closed up operations and donated their bank balance to the CFC. Additionally, $ 206.50 that was owing to the SCA was written off to donations.

This means the CFC has no presence in Saskatchewan, and the local organizers see little hope to revive CFC events there. I think we should pause for a moment, and question whether we should be so quick to accept this donation into general revenues.

I would like to see this money used to generate chess activity in Saskatchewan. Find somebody in Saskatchewan who could use the money to hopefully regenerate CFC activity there. But first, I would love to hear from our Governor from Saskatchewan. Can he shed any more light on the situation, do I have my facts correct?

2) New Regulations governing not for profit organizations

I don't see anything on the agenda regarding our efforts to comply with the new regulations coming into effect next year.
Will we be seeing a report from the committee? The clock is ticking!

Fred McKim
06-18-2013, 01:17 PM
From Paul LeBlanc

The Sask. donation should go to the Chess Foundation of Canada, lest it get lost in CFC general revenue and expenses