View Full Version : Notifications of online CFC meetings

Hugh Brodie
01-29-2015, 11:45 PM
What is the protocol for announcing an online meeting? At least one Quebec voting member says he has never been personally notified of upcoming meetings - he doesn't spend all day reading the news on chess sites. :-)

Vladimir Drkulec
01-31-2015, 02:23 PM
What is the protocol for announcing an online meeting? At least one Quebec voting member says he has never been personally notified of upcoming meetings - he doesn't spend all day reading the news on chess sites. :-)

Details of the agenda are posted on the CFC voting members forum, CFC News and usually Chesstalk. An email is sent three weeks before the meeting to the voting members that are on the list of emails provided by the secretary. This is usually preceded by some posts on the voting members forum, CFC news and Chesstalk asking for any proposed motions or business to be submitted for the voting members consideration. If the voting member provided a valid email address then he or she should have been notified at least once and this time twice because of a corrected omission in the original email.