View Full Version : Canadian Olympic Committee

Pierre Dénommée
12-18-2015, 12:06 AM
This is a great news, they want to help us becoming a recognized sports Federation. This should enable us to recover our charitable status while moving to a better Constitution.

Please keep us posted.

Vladimir Drkulec
12-18-2015, 02:42 PM
This is a great news, they want to help us becoming a recognized sports Federation. This should enable us to recover our charitable status while moving to a better Constitution.

Please keep us posted.

I do not believe we need a new constitution to become a sporting federation. They have not agreed to help us. They merely informed us of the consequences of their transition to the new NFP act presumably because they forgot to do so previously. They gave us a couple of ways to proceed if we want to continue with them as an affiliate of the COC group though I am very tired and may not be using the proper terminology. We will let you know any further developments.

This is great news!

Valer Eugen Demian
12-20-2015, 01:26 AM
Excellent news! We might get dragged in the right direction :)

Vladimir Drkulec
12-28-2015, 12:06 AM
Yes it seems for a long time we were travelling through thick mud but we seem to be getting results in rapid succession.