View Full Version : Canadian Open 2016 WindsorChess.org/tournaments.php

Vladimir Drkulec
02-11-2016, 06:43 PM
Canadian Open Chess Championship
website: windsorchess.org/tournaments.php (http://windsorchess.org/tournaments.php)

Sun, July 10 to Sun July 17, 2016
Caesars Windsor
377 Riverside Dr E, Windsor, ON N9A 7H7
9 round chess tournament to determine the Canadian Open champion. CFC and FIDE rated (top two sections only), One round per day with one double round day.
Head Arbiter: TBA
Time Control: 40 moves in 90 minutes, remainder of game in 1 hour, plus 30 second increment per move throughout.
Round 1: 2:00 pm Sunday July 10
Round 2-6: 6:00 pm Mon-Fri Jul 11-15
Round 7: 10 am Saturday July 16.
Round 8: 6:00 pm Saturday, July 16.
Round 9: 10:00 am, Sunday, July 17

Super Early bird Entry Fee until Feb 20th:
All sections except U1200: $150.
U1200 section: $60
Early Bird Entry Fee: $170 including HST (123 $U.S.) Entry Fee Feb 20th until March 1st.
Under 1200 section $70 ($50 US).
After March 1st $195 Cdn ($141 U.S.), Free entry for GMs and IMs.
After April 1st $220 Cdn. After July 1st $250 Cdn
Must be within 100 points of rating floor to play up. Fee to play up is $20 donation to CFC Olympiad Fund unless required to play up by organizers.
Prize Fund: $15,000 Canadian Guaranteed:Open Section (CFC, USCF or FIDE over 2000) : $2000 / $1600 / $1300 / $1100 / $1000 U2400: $750 / $500 U2200: $750 / $500
U2000 Section: $750 / $500 U1800: $750 / $500
U1600 Section: $650 / $400 U1400: $650 / $400 U1200 $500
Booster U1200 Section : Trophies Only Trophies for Top 3 plus Top 3 Under 1000, Top 3 Under 800 rating
Unrated Prize: $200
Prize fund is guaranteed
Highest rating of CFC, USCF or FIDE used in determining prize eligibility except in open section where prizes and pairings based on FIDE ratings. Players over 1900 FIDE rating must play in Open section. Players must disclose ratings. 2500 CFC, FQE or USCF not eligible for U2400 prize. 2300 FQE, CFC or USCF not eligible for U2200 prize.
Prizes are guaranteed but based on paid entries. Prize structure is based on 160 fully paid entries. If there are 220 entries prize fund will improve to $20,000. Booster section players count as 0.4 of an entry for purposes of this calculation. The last time this tournament was held in Montreal in 2014 there were over 400 participants. Note: Unrated players are not eligible for class prizes.


Full details are available on WindsorChess.org. Paypal account to accept entries is set up in name of Windsor Chess with info@windsorchess.org as email. Checks for the appropriate amounts in U.S. or Canadian funds can be sent to:
Windsor Chess c/o Vlad Drkulec
1725 Calvary Crt,
Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada N8N 4X1
Send PayPal payments to:
Please include Name, CFC ID, FIDE ID and USCF ID and Ratings if applicable and section that you wish to play in.


https://onlineregistration.cc/ Go down to Windsor Chess Association and choose Canadian Open at bottom of page. If you are not a CFC member make sure you put "new" in CFC ID.


You can reserve a room at Caesars Windsor by clicking on the following link or by calling the toll free number below and using the group code below:
Caesars Group Code for Canadian Open is APC0710
Call Caesars Windsor Reservations Toll Free

Vladimir Drkulec
02-11-2016, 06:55 PM
There is some confusion on the Super Early Bird vs. Early Bird entry fees. This Super Early Bird deadline may be extended past February 20th depending on how quickly entries come in. I expect that this date will be when we have collected a total of $50,000 in entries between the three tournaments (Canadian Open, CYCC, NAYCC) and we will be required to register for HST. At that point the price goes up by 13% which is the cost of the HST.