View Full Version : Continental Championship June 9-19

Vladimir Drkulec
05-06-2017, 08:44 AM
Canada has been granted three berths in the Continental Championship which takes place June 9th through June 19th. Those interested should contact the CFC executive and let us know of their interest. The tournament takes place in Medellin, Colombia.

http://www.fide.com/images/stories/FIDE_Calendar_2017/American_Continental_Championship_2017_Regulations _ENG.pdf

XII AMERICAN CONTINENTAL ABSOLUTE CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP OF THEAMERICAS “COLOMBIA 2017”MEDELLÍN – COLOMBIAJUNE 9 TO 19, 20171. INVITATIONThe Confederation of Chess for America (CCA), the Colombian Chess Federation (FECODAZ), theAntioquia Chess League, The Institute for the Promotion of Sports and Recreation of Antioquia(Indeportes) and the Institute of Sports of Medellín (INDER) are pleased to invite all National ChessFederations of the American Continent to the XII American Continental Absolute ChessChampionship 2017, to be held in the city of Medellín, Antioquia State – Colombia, from June 9 to19, 2017Medellín is a Colombian municipality, capital of the state of Antioquia. It is the most populated cityof the state and the second of the country. It sits in the widest part of the natural region known asValle de Aburrá, in the central Andean mountain range, constituting itself as the largest urbancenter of such Andean branch. It extends to both banks of the Medellín river - also called Aburráriver -, which crosses it from south to north, and is the main nucleus of the metropolitan area ofthe Valley of Aburrá. The city has a population of 2'508.452 inhabitants (2017), while that figure,including the metropolitan area, amounts to 3,821,797 people (2016). As a financial, commercialand industrial center, it is the headquarters of national and international companies in sectorssuch as textiles, clothing, metalworking, energy, finance, health, telecommunications,construction, automotive, and food, among others.2. THE ORGANIZATIONThe Absolute Continental Championship is organized by the Colombian Federation of Chess -FECODAZ - and the Chess League of Antioquia.The event will be held in the main halls of the Dorado la 70 Hotel, the official hotel of thechampionship, located in Carrera 70 # 44B - 66, near the Atanasio Girardot Sports complex and theMedellín Metro Station.The tournament will be played in the main hall of the hotel Dorado la 70, official hosting venue ofthe event.3. PARTICIPANTSOfficial players: These players have the right to accommodation and full meals by theorganization, from Friday June 9 at 2 pm to Monday, June 19 at 12 o'clock.Official Players:• The Pan American Youth Champion• A player appointed by Continental President.• Up to 3 players in zone 2.1• Up to 3 players in zone 2.2• Up to 2 players from each of zones 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5• The Absolute Continental Champion of the year 2016.The official players will be accommodated in a double room. Their designation will have to benotified to the organization by the president of each zone, no later than Tuesday, May 30, 2017.Unofficial Players:The absolute Continental championship is an open tournament (without minimum requirement ofELO FIDE). Each national federation is able to register as many players as they want. Allparticipants must cover their registration, transportation and accreditation costs.Each participant must have the endorsement of their Federation belonging to the Confederationof Chess for America, registered in The FIDE, unless otherwise agreed by the president of the CCA.4. REGISTRATIONPlayers must be registered by the corresponding Federation before the end of Tuesday, May 30,2017, by email sent to torneosfecodaz@gmail.com with a copy to fecodaz@gmail.com. After thedeadline, all players will be considered unofficial.No player may be registered without the approval of their own Federation or if he does not belongto the region corresponding to this tournament.The following information must be provided so the registration is considered completed:1. Name and surname2. Country3. Identity document, scanned photocopy of the passport on both sides.4. FIDE ID5. Current passport type photograph in digital form.6. Full date of birth (in the format m/d/yyyy).7. FIDE Title.8. Category and branch (official, extra, companion, delegate, referee, coach)9. Itinerary (flight number, date and time of arrival and departure)10. Room package chosen and distribution of rooms.11. In case any player needs special conditions or food, he must be informed to the organization atthe time of registration.This information must be confirmed on arrival with the passport for verification purposes.Participants must pay for the registration TWO HUNDRED AMERICAN DOLLARS (USD $ 200.00).This amount includes the statutory fee for the Confederation of Chess for America of ONEHOUNDRED AMERICAN DOLLARS and ONE HOUNDRED AMERICAN DOLLARS for the organizingcountry.It is mandatory to make the payment before the first round to take part of the event. EachFederation is liable for the payment of the registrations made and the costs caused by the nonsubmissionof the registered players.Registration payments can be made prior to the start of the tournament in the city of Medellín.5. SITE OF GAMEOne will play the tilt in the principal lounge of the GOLDEN hotel 70, official headquarters ofhousing of the event.6. OFFICIAL ACCOMMODATION, FOOD AND TRANSFERS (Aeropuerto JoséMaría Córdova – Medellín and vice versa)The official hotel of the tournament will be the Hotel DORADO LA 70, located in carrera 70 # 44B-66, in Laureles neighborhood, Phone 260-0666. Booking through Fecodaz until May 9, 2017.The unofficial, technical and accompanying players will have preferential rates available at thehotel of the organization.Accommodation costs:Hotel DORADO LA 70: Five hundred US dollars (USD 500.00)This rate includes:• Accommodation for 10 nights (June 9 to 19).• Complete meals (breakfast - lunch and dinner), from Lunch on June 9 to breakfast on June 19.For those interested in a single room and full meals the rate will be USD 800.The payment of the hotel must be made before the start of the tournament to FECODAZ,Colombian Federation of Chess.The Organizing Committee will provide the transfer from the international airport José MaríaCórdova, located in the municipality of Rionegro, 35 kilometers from Medellín and from the Hotelto the airport, to the players who request it. Service will cost THIRTY AMERICAN DOLLARS (USD30.00), upon request of the player.All fees mentioned in this invitation refer to US dollars, payable in Colombian exchange day rate.PREFERENTIAL RATES FOR COLOMBIAN PLAYERS: In order to encourage the participation ofColombian players, Fecodaz offers the following discount, including the possibility ofaccommodation at the official hotel:a) Registration fee: USD 150b) Full lodging plus registration and transportation airport - hotel - airport USD 600.7. TOURNAMENT SCHEDULEEvent Date TimeArrival and accommodation June 9, FridayRegistration June 9, Friday 7:30 to 20:00Technical Meeting June 10, Saturday 14:00Opening June 10, Saturday 15:00Round 1 June 10, Saturday 16:00Round 2 June 11, Sunday 09:00Round 3 June 11, Sunday 16:00Round 4 June 12, Monday 16:00Round 5 June 13, Tuesday 09:00Round 6 June 13, Tuesday 16:00Round 7 June 14, Wednesday 16:00Round 8 June 15, Thursday 16:00Round 9 June 16, Friday 16:00Round 10 June 17, Saturday 16:00Round 11 June 18, Sunday 10:00Tie Breaking June 18, Sunday 14:00Closing Ceremony June 18, Sunday 17:00Departure June 19, Monday -8. PRIZESPLACE PRIZE IN AMERICAN DOLLARS1st Place USD 5.000,002nd Place USD 3.400,003rd Place USD 2.400,004th Place USD 1.700,005th Place USD 1.200,006th Place USD 900,007th Place USD 800.008th Place USD 700,009th Place USD 600,0010th Place USD 550,0011th Place USD 450,0012th Place USD 400,0013th Place USD 350,0014th Place USD 300,00Best Sub 2400 USD 400,00Best Sub 2200 USD 400,00Best Sub 2000 USD 400,00Best Sub 1800 USD 200,00Best Lady USD 250,00In case of any tie position, all monetary prizes are shared equally.Pairings and Pgns will be published an hour after concluding each round in www.chessResults.comand www.fecodaz.com9. RULES AND REGULATIONS8.1 System and rate of play. The tournament will be played by at 11 rounds Swiss systemaccording to the Swiss Manager program. All games must be played using electronic clock. Thetime rate will be (90) minutes for the first 40 moves plus 30 minute to complete, with anaddition of 30 seconds per move starting from move one.8.2 Tie-break system.For the Swiss system, they will be used in strict order: Individual result (option 11 Swiss Manager) - if applicable (Only valid if everyone involvedplayed with each other. Bucchholz (Option 37) - games that do not count on zero; unplayed games: count with realpoints; do not add own points. Sonneborg-Berger Bucchholz (Medium) Rating performanceThe first four classify to the phase "FIDE World Cup", of the cycle of the World championship.In the event of a tie by one or more qualifying positions, it shall be defined as follows:Tie between two players: 2 games, 15 minutes per player, plus 10 seconds from the firstmovement. If the tie persists, two other games of 5 minutes will be played with an additional 3seconds each. In the event of the tie being held, a new game will be played where the white willhave 5 minutes and the black 4 minutes, plus 3 more seconds each. The player who wins the tosschooses the color and in the event of a draw the player with the black pieces wins.Tie between 3 or more players: Round Robin of 15 minutes per player plus 10 seconds per movefrom the start. In case of a tie, tie-break rules of the Continental Absolute Tournament must beused.The tournament will be valid for the International Rating and will give titles and norms accordingto the regulations of "FIDE Titles"10. TOURNAMENT AUTHORITIES10.1 Honor Committee: Dr. Federico Gutiérrez Zuluaga – Mayor of the city of Medellin. Dr. Luis Pérez Gutiérrez – Antioquia Governor Mr. Jorge Vega – America President of Chess Confederation – CCA Dr. Clara Luz Roldán González – Directora of Coldeportes Colombia Baltazar Medina – Director of the Colombian Olympic Committee Dr. Hernán Elejalde López- General Director Indeportes Antioquia Dr. Juan David Valderrama López- Director INDER Medellín Eng. Luis Pérez Carrillo – Colombian President of Chess Federation10.2 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Tournament Director: Dr. Javier Vergara Garzón Technical Director: MI Raúl Henao Calle - Methodologist FECODAZ Colombian Chess Federation / Chess League of Antioquia President of the Chess League of Antioquia Indeportes Antioquia / INDER Medellín11. APPEALS COMMITTEE:During the technical meeting an Appeals Committee will be elected. It will consist of three (3)members and two substitutes. A protest against an arbitration decision must be submitted inwriting to the Appeals Committee within the hour following the end of the round, accompanied bya deposit of USD 100, which will be returned if the decision is favorable to the claimant.12. PAYMENTRegistrations and associated payments can be made depositing the money in the savings accountof the Colombian Federation of Chess - 049036147-44 of Bancolombia Bank - or at the tournamentheadquarters before 2:00 pm on June 8, those payments will be received by the Colombian ChessFederation on the game site. No participant may play without meeting this requirement.For foreign participantsBeneficiary´s Bank: BancolombiaSwift code: COLOCOBMAddress: Calle 30A # 6 – 75 Piso 1 Torre Sur Bogotá D.CBeneficiary´s Account: 049036147-44 AhorrosAccount Name : Federación Colombiana de AjedrezTelephone Number : (571) 755 2940Payment Reference :Pagos Campeonato Continental de Ajedrez 201713. INFORMATION, INSCRIPTIONS AND BOOKINGColombian Chess Federation – Fecodaz Johana González – Manager – mobile number: 57-313 4531790 Phone numbers: (57) (1) 755 29 40 - (57) (1) 755 29 41 English/Spanish Information: Mr. Javier Vergara: +57 300 6192540 Emails: torneosfecodaz@gmail.com – fecodaz@gmail.com