View Full Version : AGM meeting August 20 to August 27 Agenda

Vladimir Drkulec
07-30-2017, 10:37 PM
Agenda for outgoing meeting AGM 2017

Chess Federation of Canada - Annual General Meeting - 20 - 27 August 2017
Outgoing Voting Members

(Note to voting members: all votes open at 9pm ET, all votes close at 6pm ET, the meeting ends at 10pm ET on August 27th)

Part 1 - Entire meeting August 20-27
1. Agenda

2. Opening Comments of Chair

3. voting member Sign-in - sign in by voting for any of the options

4. Reports (Executive members and Officers please post your reports here)
A. President
B. Vice President
C. Secretary
D. Past President
E. FIDE Representative
F. Youth Coordinator
G. Masters Representative
H. Woman’s Coordinator
I. Rating Auditor
J. Chess Foundation of Canada
K. Kalev Pugi Fund
L. Treasurer
M. Executive Director: Financial Report

5A Discussion Items

1) New business

5B Motions
No motions have been received within the statutory notification period.

Part II "The Voting Booth" Voting on motions: August 23-27
Attention voting members: the voting period is day 4 (August 23) through day 7 (August 26)

6.1 Voting on motions
No motions have been submitted for voting.

Part III At end of meeting
7. Closing Comments by Chair

8. Adjournment

Vladimir Drkulec
07-30-2017, 10:38 PM
Agenda for incoming meeting AGM 2017

Chess Federation of Canada - Annual General Meeting - Incoming Voting Members - 20 - 27 August 2016

(Note to voting members: all votes open at 9pm ET, all votes and nominations close at 6pm ET, the meeting ends at 10pm ET on August 27th)

Part 1 - Agenda and Sign-in

1. Agenda & Opening Comments of Chair
2. voting member Sign-in

Part 2 - Election of voting members from Non-Affiliated Provinces / Territories

3. Election of voting members from Non-Affiliated Provinces/Territories (nominations close on day 3, if elections are required this will take place on days 4-5)

3A. SK - (1)
3B. QC - (3) Ratification of FQE nominees for CFC voting member (if no objections are posted to any FQE nomination these will be acclaimed at the end of the nomination period)
3C. YT - (1)

Part 3 - Elections of Federation Executive Members, Officers and other positions

4. Nomination of Candidates for Election (nominations close at 6pm ET August 22 - day 3, elections continue through 6pm ET August 26 - day 6)


4.1 President
4.2 Vice-President
4.3 Secretary
4.4 Treasurer
4.5 Youth Coordinator
4.6 FIDE Representative
4.7 Director at Large


4.8 Rating Auditor
4.9 Publicity Officer
4.10 Women's Chess Coordinator

Members should note positions 1-7 make up the CFC Executive, 8-10 are non-Executive Officers of the Federation

5.A Elections of the above positions

5.B Election of Directors and Officers

6. Appointment of CFC Committee members: (nominations close at 6pm ET August 23 - day 3, elections for contested positions continue through 6pm ET August 26 - day 7)

* 6.1 Chess Foundation of Canada Trustees - Four year term:

* 6.2 Chess Foundation of Canada Trustees - One year term:

* 6.3 Kalev Pugi Fund Committee:

* 6.4 National Appeals Committee:

7. Election of CFC Committee members (see sections 4.1 - 4.11 - in sections 4.1 - 6.4 all positions where an election is being held is marked with *)

8.Discussion of agenda items and new business
8A Youth Committee
8B World Youth and World Cadet

Voting on all items excluding voting members, Executive and Officers will begin on day 4 (August 23) and continue to the end of the meeting (August 26)

9. Saskatchewan Chess Rejoining CFC

10. Bids for 2018/2019 Events

10E Any other Bids/Business:

10F Next Canadian Women's Closed

11. Other Business
- 11.1 Youth Advisory Committee
- 11.2 Olympic Selection Rules
- 11.3 CFC E-mail magazine discussion

New Agenda Item for discussion only.

12. Bids for National Championships 2018/19 and onward

13. Adjournment & Closing Comments by Chair

Vladimir Drkulec
07-30-2017, 10:50 PM
Notice has been emailed out to the voting members list from October 2016. I believe that some provinces have not provided an updated list of voting members. Please send a link to this agenda to all known voting members. Provincial Associations please let Lyle know who your voting member representatives are. Voting members must have an up to date CFC membership in order to vote and take part in the AGM.

Vladimir Drkulec
07-30-2017, 10:59 PM
I will be running for CFC president and chairman of the board of directors.

Fred McKim
07-31-2017, 10:21 AM
I will be running for CFC president and chairman of the board of directors.

Olympic motions and discussion was from last year ...
What about Saskatchewan re-affiliation ?

Vladimir Drkulec
07-31-2017, 06:57 PM
Olympic motions and discussion was from last year ...
What about Saskatchewan re-affiliation ?

Item 9 on the incoming meeting.

Fred McKim
08-04-2017, 07:42 AM
I expect to run for CFC Treasurer.

Gary Hua
08-09-2017, 08:06 PM
I will not be running for CFC Youth Co-ordinator for 2017-8.

I am nominating Undriadi Benggawan ( Mississauga Chess club director ) to replace me.

I will submit my reports for the year 2016-2017 in due course.


Gary Hua

Victor Plotkin
08-11-2017, 06:54 PM
I will not be running for CFC Youth Co-ordinator for 2017-8.

I am nominating Undriadi Benggawan ( Mississauga Chess club director ) to replace me.

I will submit my reports for the year 2016-2017 in due course.


Gary Hua

Sad news...

Pierre Dénommée
08-20-2017, 06:23 PM
I am willing to stand for the following positions

Women Coordinator
Director at large
NAC member

I have just arrived from Quebec City where I was serving as the Chief Arbiter of the Quebec Open. My report will follow tomorrow.