View Full Version : Foreign 2020 North American Junior (U20) Championships

Christina Tao
11-03-2020, 07:41 PM
2020 North American Junior (U20) Championships
December 19-23, 2020

NA Junior U20 website: here (https://www.charlottechesscenter.org/najunior)
Invitation and Regulation link : here (https://d8cc394d-7a03-48ee-b7a6-4213a565be67.filesusr.com/ugd/7c12d5_671b319dddd24fcabe4ea524dee65939.pdf)

The tournament is an over the board event and is proceeding as planned with safety measures in effect

It is an official FIDE Continental Junior Championship
IM, FM, WIM, WFM titles and GM, IM, WGM, WIM Norms for winners
Two Sections: Open U20 and Girls U20

9 Rounds, G/90 minutes; increment 30 seconds
FIDE and US Chess Rated, July FIDE ratings used for pairings
No half-point byes, zero-point byes only

Juniors 19 and younger as of 1/1/20 (must be born 2000 or after).
All players from Canada, Mexico, and the United States may enter the tournament.
Two sections: Open U20 and Girls U20. Girls may enter either section.

Hilton University Place
8629 JM Keynes Drive
Charlotte, NC 28262
(704) 547-7444

Canadian Official Player Selection Criteria
If anyone is interested on NA Junior U20, please email me (cfcyouthchess@gmail.com) with your name, CFCID, FIDE ID, email and phone contact before Nov 15.
The official player name(s) will be selected base on the highest CFC regular rating on Nov 15.
Official players will be announced on Nov 18 and will be submitted to the organizer by Nov 18.
Players/parents are taking full responsibility if you decide to participate in this event.

Travel advisory:
During this pandemic time, CFC advises players to avoid all travel plans.

Here is a news article about Can Canadians still fly to USA?

Please following the Official Global Travel Advisories provided by the Government of Canada

Also follow the Coronavirus disease travel restrictions and advice.

CFC Youth Coordinator

Christina Tao
11-17-2020, 02:11 PM
Congratulations to the following two official representatives!!

The Open representative is Rohan Talukdar
The Girl representative is Svitlana Demchenko

Best luck,
CFC Youth Coordinator