View Full Version : (Notice) Hamissauga Marathon Events

Bob Gillanders
12-11-2020, 01:39 PM
Hi All,

Next up in our Marathon events is #7


You can join or leave or rejoin at any time.
We start at 7pm on Wednesday, and play until the computer runs out of pairings.

Our longest to day was #5 with 9 rounds.

Join us for a few games (or as many as you want) and help us get past 9 rounds.
The pie in the sky goal is to max out Lichess platform of 100 maximum # of rounds.

Bob Gillanders
12-16-2020, 11:33 AM
A reminder that Marathon #7 starts tonight at 7pm EST.

Join the fun if just for 1 game, or stay for as long as you like.
Join in, take a break, rejoin as often as you like, all we ask is that you remember to click withdraw when you are taking a break.
You can rejoin at any time.

Special call out to our friends in Western Canada. Most of our players are in Ontario. Some of them are heading for sleep time as we approach rounds 7-8-9
Western Canada players essential to help us extend tournament past 9 rounds. Help us!

Bob Gillanders
12-22-2020, 07:48 PM
Marathon #7 last week had 16 players and 7 rounds.

Hoping for better turnout tomorrow.

I did some stats and I estimate we will need 237 players to get to round 100.

Why not join out outrageous journey.

Join for just 1 games, or as many as you want. Join anytime, take a break whenever you like.
Just chess and chill.


Bob Gillanders
12-28-2020, 05:33 PM
Marathon #8 last week had 17 players and 9 rounds.
We couldn't quite crack the double digit ceiling although we still had 6 active players for round 10.
But we had all played each other, and the evil computer declined us our 10th round.

Marathon #9 is this Wednesday. Join the fun. Here is the link.

Bob Gillanders
01-06-2021, 03:36 PM
Marathon #9 last week, and the last for 2020,
was just 13 players and 8 rounds. A fitting end to 2020.

Tonight is Marathon #10 and the first for 2021.

Join us and welcome in the new year.


Bob Gillanders
01-13-2021, 01:16 AM
Marathon #10 last week was poorly attended as many were watching the riot in the USA.

Marathon #11 goes off at 6pm on Wednesday, Jan 13.

Bob Gillanders
01-20-2021, 03:51 PM
Marathon #12 starts at 7pm tonight, Wednesday Jan 20.

Bob Gillanders
01-25-2021, 08:41 PM
Well, for Marathon#12 we had 18 players and 10 rounds.
Hurrah, finally double digit # of rounds.

Lucky #13 is this Wednesday at 7pm.


Come join the fun if only for a game or 2, or as many as you fancy.

Bob Gillanders
02-09-2021, 07:04 PM
Marathon #15 is tomorrow. February 10 at 7pm.

Bob Gillanders
02-13-2021, 10:45 PM
Marathon # 16 is February 17, Wednesday at 7pm

here is the link


maybe Ray will bake his gingerbread cookies

Bob Gillanders
02-15-2021, 04:47 PM
Cumulative Scores for first 15 Marathons
1 nikiml 55.5
2 BobbyG2050 54
3 Momario99 53
4 Johnmatagrano 33
5 QueenSato 30
6 verylate 27
7 Vladimir_Ulyanov 27
8 e4c5cd 25.5
9 fearless1 24.5
10 nobunobu 20.5
11 KMEMC 19.5
12 jonathj 16
13 bitcoin_fan 12.5
14 rotciVxkinimoD 9.5
15 Caribou-old-guy 9.5
16 KingArthurCastus 9
17 OlafNazarenus 8
18 GRB-Ride 8
19 bkdirb 8
20 bertolu 7.5
21 Panoptipawn 7.5
22 Anton_M 7.5
23 Piecemealslicer 6.5
24 mkpakkal 5.5
25 gmkllk 5
26 Aaryagr5 4.5
27 ntwkguru 4.5
28 PaulBeckwith 4.5
29 sam-sharifi 4.5
30 Bernie505 4.5
31 martyTHICKS 4.5
32 BoyDonny 3.5
33 completeathlete5 3.5
34 GreenTea71 3.5
35 pawnwinners 3.5
36 DrBreakerstein 3.5
37 BluePheonix108 3
38 ZenYoda 3
39 rugs64 3
40 Puzzleplayer1 2.5
41 ChrisPrattIsCGI 2
42 depressynuk 2
43 SJCTharul 2
44 jaiho09 1.5
45 tedhsu 1.5
46 Katelynj 1
47 SJCThinuka 1
48 AAYUSH2009 0.5
49 Ashvajith 0.5
50 ChessQueen2021 0.5
51 Gilbert_Tha_Fish 0.5
53 olivertheliver 0.5
54 parakin 0.5
55 Zheberrinjo 0.5
56 lionking 0.5
57 cat4056 0
58 coolgiantmaple 0
59 maddymoon 0
60 Pavan6646 0

Bob Gillanders
02-19-2021, 06:16 PM
Only 6 rounds this week. :(

Bobby Gillanders
02-19-2021, 06:50 PM
Hello everyone.
We may run the next Marathon on Tornelo site.
I need to give it a test drive.
Will advise later.

Bob Gillanders
02-24-2021, 10:47 AM
Here is the link to Marathon #17 tonight.


We are still on LiChess for now.
I logged some time on Monday trying to learn Tornelo.
But am struggling with it. :(

Will keep trying.

Bob Gillanders
03-02-2021, 02:03 PM
#18 tomorrow.

Everyone is welcome.

Bob Gillanders
03-10-2021, 02:47 PM
Marathon 19 set to go tonight at 7pm.

Bob Gillanders
03-17-2021, 01:54 PM
Marathon 20 set to go tonight at 7pm

Bob Gillanders
03-24-2021, 05:32 PM
Marathon #21 set to go tonight at 7pm.


Bob Gillanders
03-31-2021, 11:02 AM
Marathon # 22 set to go tonight at 7pm.


This is very likely the last Marathon tournament.
Will be trying something different starting next week.

Bob Gillanders
04-07-2021, 01:20 PM
Okay, at least 1 more Marathon tournament.

Probably the last one!?

But it will be replaced by another format, coming soon.
I just need to get off my lazy ass and learn the new format!! :)

Bob Gillanders
04-14-2021, 02:07 PM
Nope, last week was not the last Marathon.

Marathon 24 goes tonight at 7pm.


If you can't be there by 7pm, just join when you can.
Play 1 games, or as many as you like.

We just keep going until all possible pairings are exhausted.

Great place to try off beat stuff, just have fun, no CFC Rating points at risk.

Bob Gillanders
04-15-2021, 08:58 AM
Bigger turnout last night. :)

Marathon 25 is setup for next week.
Here is the link.

Bob Gillanders
04-21-2021, 12:58 PM
Reminder: Marathon #25 goes tonight at 7pm.
Join in whenever you wish.
We play until no pairings possible.

Cumulative scores for first 24 marathons:
1 BobbyG2050 91.0
2 Momario99 89.5
3 nikiml 61.5
4 QueenSato 44.5
5 Johnmatagrano 42.5
6 verylate 39.5
7 jonathj 39.0
8 nobunobu 30.5
9 Vladimir_Ulyanov 27.0
10 fearless1 26.0
11 e4c5cd 25.5
12 KMEMC 24.5
13 KingArthurCastus 21.5
14 Piecemealslicer 21.5
15 Caribou-old-guy 19.0
16 Panoptipawn 18.5
17 bitcoin_fan 12.5
18 sam-sharifi 11.5
19 Aaryagr5 10.0
20 rotciVxkinimoD 9.5
21 GRB-Ride 9.5
22 OlafNazarenus 8.0
23 bkdirb 8.0
24 Metamover 8.0
25 bertolu 7.5
26 Anton_M 7.5
27 mkpakkal 5.5
28 Donald-Lean 5.5
29 halfax849 5.5
30 gmkllk 5.0
31 tnrhna 5.0
32 ntwkguru 4.5
33 PaulBeckwith 4.5
34 Bernie505 4.5
35 martyTHICKS 4.5
36 completeathlete5 4.5
37 GregB65 4.5
38 Grimars 4.5
39 BoyDonny 3.5
40 GreenTea71 3.5
41 pawnwinners 3.5
42 DrBreakerstein 3.5
43 BluePheonix108 3.0
44 ZenYoda 3.0
45 rugs64 3.0
46 BlueChip 3.0
47 Supertramp99 3.0
48 Puzzleplayer1 2.5
49 ChrisPrattIsCGI 2.0
50 depressynuk 2.0
51 SJCTharul 2.0
52 tedhsu 2.0
53 v906j 2.0
54 Rendellehr 2.0
55 jaiho09 1.5
56 maddymoon 1.5
57 Pavan6646 1.5
58 Katelynj 1.0
59 SJCThinuka 1.0
60 olivertheliver 1.0
61 AAYUSH2009 0.5
62 Ashvajith 0.5
63 ChessQueen2021 0.5
64 Gilbert_Tha_Fish 0.5
66 parakin 0.5
67 Zheberrinjo 0.5
68 lionking 0.5
69 LeonLiang 0.5
70 cat4056 0
71 coolgiantmaple 0
72 JMcrath 0

Patrick Buthmann
04-21-2021, 01:05 PM
Huh....not bad, 21st thus far, despite my spotty attendance record.

Bob Gillanders
04-23-2021, 12:44 PM
20 players this week, but only 9 rounds. :(

Anyway, Marathon 26 is ready to go for next week.

Everyone is welcome to share the link with your friends.
Anyone anywhere in the world, or other planets, or other planes of existence, as long as they have internet. HAHA
Special invitation to Western Canada as they can join in around round 8 when Ontario players are heading for sleepy time.

Bob Gillanders
04-28-2021, 12:26 PM
A reminder that Marathon 26 is ready to go tonight.
See previous post for link.

We have some new players confirmed, so we going for 11 + rounds. :)
Join the fun.

Bob Gillanders
05-04-2021, 11:01 AM
Hamissauga is running 2 days now, Tuesday & Wednesday.

Wednesday, is our usual Marathon event, up to 100 rounds!
Here is link for Marathon #27

Tuesday, will eventually be moved to Tornelo platform, but until I get that setup we are on LiChess for now.
Regular Swiss event, 5 rds, 15 + 5
Here is the link.https://lichess.org/swiss/ynFNvgfx

Bob Gillanders
05-10-2021, 07:56 PM
This week in Hamissauga

Tuesday - on Lichess for now
Wednesday - Marathon # 28

Bob Gillanders
05-14-2021, 03:02 PM
Next week at Hamissauga Chess Club

Tuesday - on LiChess for now

Wednesday - Marathon #29

Bob Gillanders
06-02-2021, 03:01 PM
Marathons are still going.

#31 tonight.


Optional Zoom Meeting

Bob Gillanders
06-09-2021, 04:15 PM
Marathon #32 tonight.
Join us.

Bob Gillanders
07-28-2021, 06:43 PM
Marathon #39 starts at 7pm this evening.