View Full Version : Agenda for CFC Spring Quarterly Meeting April 11 - 18

Vladimir Drkulec
03-15-2021, 05:01 PM
Agenda for CFC Spring Voting Member quarterly meeting April 11-18, 2021

1. Agenda
2. Opening Comments of Chair
3. voting member Sign-in - sign in by voting for any of the options
4. Reports (Executive members and Officers please post your reports here)
A. President
B. Vice President
C. Secretary
D. Board Members at Large
E. FIDE Representative
F. Youth Coordinator
G. Masters Representative
H. Woman’s Coordinator
I. Rating Auditor
J. Chess Foundation of Canada
K. Kalev Pugi Fund
L. Treasurer
M. Executive Director

5A Discussion Items
1) Noritsyn attempt to remove president Vladimir Drkulec
2) CFC Handbook - Voting member ratio and codifying current practice in bylaws using language from old handbook
3) CFC-FQE agreement update
4) Canada Sport Tourism Online conference
5) Bids for National Events
6) Increasing the CFC executive or board size by adding Women's Coordinator (Michael Barron)
7) Adding the champion and second place finisher in Canadian Women's Closed to voting members list
8) The 50 regular members per voting member ratio and current rules for voting member determination
9) New business

5B Motions
Motion 1:
In the event that Nikolay Noritsyn is able to comply with CFC bylaws and requirements of the NFP Act and is able to put together a legal motion to ask for a special meeting of the voting members in order to remove President Vladimir Drkulec at a special meeting, I would vote:

A. No, I am against holding a special meeting for the purpose of removing President Vladimir Drkulec
B. Yes, if Nikolay Noritsyn manages to present a legal motion, I would be in favour of holding a special meeting for the purpose of removing CFC President Vladimir Drkulec.

Part II "The Voting Booth" Voting on motions

Attention voting members: the voting period if required is day 4 through day 7

6.Voting on motions

Part II At end of meeting

7. Closing Comments by Chair

8. Adjournment

This will be the final agenda prior to the meeting though new discussion items can be added through new business. Additional straw polls may be taken.

The record date for this meeting (entitlement to vote) will be one week before the opening of the meeting or April 4, 2021.

Vladimir Drkulec
03-21-2021, 10:50 PM
From: Nikolay Noritsyn
Sent: March 2, 2021 1:44 PM
To: Lyle Craver ; Vladimir Drkulec ; Egis Zeromskis; Fred McKim ; Victor Plotkin ; Christina Tao ; Mark Dutton
Cc: M. Hassain; Jeremy Clark ; Victor Itkine ; Brian Clarke
Subject: Re: Special Meeting


I would like to file a motion to call upon a Special Meeting, attached below. As per Egis' suggestion, I am resending the motion, now to include every director in the mailing list. Patricia Gamliel's email address is missing on chess.ca, please be so kind to forward this proposal to her as well.

Best Regards,

WHEREAS the President's conduct in the February 2021 Special Meeting of Voting Members calls into question his ability to continue carrying out his duties as President.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Vladimir Drkulec be removed from office, pursuant to the provisions of the NFP Act:

Removal of directors

130 (1) The members of a corporation may by ordinary resolution at a special meeting remove any director or directors from office.

[Moved: Nikolay Noritsyn; Seconded: Jeremy Clark]

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT should a vote for Vladimir Drkulec's removal from office carry, the remaining Executive shall take one of the following actions:

Appoint an Interim President of their choosing to carry out the duties of President for the remainder of the current term.
Immediately following the removal of the President, call for the members to vote on the election of an interim President during the same special meeting

[Moved: Nikolay Noritsyn; Seconded: Jeremy Clark]

Voting Members Nikolay Noritsyn, Jeremy Clark, Brian Clarke, Victor Itkin, and Mahmud Hassain, representing more than 5% of Voting Members, call upon the Executive of the Chess Federation of Canada to call a special meeting of the Voting Members to address the above resolutions forthwith.

From: Nikolay Noritsyn <nikolay28@hotmail.com>
Sent: March 17, 2021 11:22 AM
To: Lyle Craver; Vladimir Drkulec; Egis Zeromskis; Fred McKim ; Victor Plotkin ; Christina Tao ; Mark Dutton ; info@chess.ca
Cc: M. Hassain; Jeremy Clark ; Victor Itkine ; Brian Clarke
Subject: Re: Special Meeting</nikolay28@hotmail.com>

Good morning,

I would like to make one more correction to my motion. The new text is attached.

Patricia Gamliel's email address is still missing on https://www.chess.ca/en/cfc/personnel/ (https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.chess.ca%2Fen%2Fcfc%2Fperso nnel%2F&data=04%7C01%7C%7C204a861272c54ba9e32408d8e9588566 %7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C6375 15913847559058%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4 wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6M n0%3D%7C1000&sdata=CL%2FsL37p9FKeJmPzqpy6EoCF6jXXvRlJwHJbM2Tlbg g%3D&reserved=0), please forward this email to her as well.

Best Regards,

From: Nikolay Noritsyn
Sent: March 13, 2021 9:16 PM
To: Lyle Craver ; Vladimir Drkulec ; Egis Zeromskis; Fred McKim; Victor Plotkin ; Christina Tao ; Mark Dutton
Cc: M. Hassain; Jeremy Clark ; Victor Itkine; Brian Clarke
Subject: Re: Special Meeting

Good evening,

I would like make a small correction to my motion. After reading the Section 167 of the NFP Act, I discovered that I made a small oversight - I should have sent the motion with a formal signature (corrected in the attached document).

Patricia Gamliel's email address is still missing on https://www.chess.ca/en/cfc/personnel/ (https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.chess.ca%2Fen%2Fcfc%2Fperso nnel%2F&data=04%7C01%7C%7C204a861272c54ba9e32408d8e9588566 %7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C6375 15913847569047%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4 wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6M n0%3D%7C1000&sdata=mNQoNWvh8nq8Kjl1Lqz09J8qjrsskKemkU7GPOA9PUE% 3D&reserved=0), please forward this email to her as well.

Best Regards,

From: Nikolay Noritsyn
Sent: March 18, 2021 10:19 PM
To: Patricia Gamliel
Cc: Drkulec Vladimir ; Lyle Craver ; Mark Dutton ; Fred McKim ; Christina Tao ; Victor Plotkin; Egis Zer ; info@chess.ca
Subject: Re: Special Meeting

Good evening,

After reviewing:

(2) The requisition referred to in subsection (1), which may consist of several documents of similar form each signed by one or more members, shall state the business to be transacted at the meeting and shall be sent to each director and to the registered office of the corporation.

I found the language unclear, so to be on the safe side I am attaching the motion text again (no changes), now with both motions signed.

Best Regards,

From: Nikolay Noritsyn
Sent: March 17, 2021 1:56 PM
To: Patricia Gamliel
Cc: Drkulec Vladimir ; Lyle Craver ; Mark Dutton ; Fred McKim ; Christina Tao ; Victor Plotkin ; Egis Zer

Hello Patricia,

Thank you for your acknowledgement.

Best Regards,

From: Patricia
Sent: March 17, 2021 1:08 PM
To: nikolay28@hotmail.com
Cc: Drkulec Vladimir ; Lyle Craver ; Mark Dutton ; Fred McKim ; Christina Tao ; Victor Plotkin ; Egis Zer
Subject: Re: Special Meeting


The motion dated March 3, 2021 presented to the board was defeated on March 6, 2021 and it seems that you were, already explained at least one of the reasons it was rejected.

Before I was able to write to you, you sent an amended second motion which you amended, again, today.

Kindly be advised that your latest amended motion will be presented at the next meeting of the board.


Patricia Gamliel
Sent from my private email account

Vladimir Drkulec
03-21-2021, 10:58 PM
As there are no specific reasons listed for the requisition of the special meeting it is difficult to come up with a response to the charges.

Vladimir Drkulec
03-21-2021, 11:15 PM
The third attachment. The forum is limiting it to two per post, likely because of the size.

Kerry Liles
03-24-2021, 09:28 PM
The third attachment. The forum is limiting it to two per post, likely because of the size.

Are you sure it isn't Chris Mallon trying to sabotage you? :)

Vladimir Drkulec
03-26-2021, 10:37 AM
Are you sure it isn't Chris Mallon trying to sabotage you? :)

It is my impression that Chris Mallon was slow walking registering people for the forum prior to the last election. He says that this is not so. There may have been some element of broken automatic email notification involved in this. This resulted in multiple emails to me as president complaining about the inability to register. Many of these complaints came from people trying to give testimonials on Victor Plotkin's behalf. I asked for the ability to approve people for posting. For the most part these were people who I had known for a long time. I did not receive this ability to approve people for posting. I continued to receive complaints with no ability to resolve the situation. When I included Chris Mallon in my responses to these people I was blasted for sharing his email with people. Most of the people are well known chess players.

It is quite possible that I am over-reacting to some things Chris said and did though moving posts around in a meeting was highly improper.

Kerry Liles
03-26-2021, 05:38 PM
It is my impression that Chris Mallon was slow walking registering people for the forum prior to the last election. He says that this is not so. There may have been some element of broken automatic email notification involved in this. This resulted in multiple emails to me as president complaining about the inability to register. Many of these complaints came from people trying to give testimonials on Victor Plotkin's behalf. I asked for the ability to approve people for posting. For the most part these were people who I had known for a long time. I did not receive this ability to approve people for posting. I continued to receive complaints with no ability to resolve the situation. When I included Chris Mallon in my responses to these people I was blasted for sharing his email with people. Most of the people are well known chess players.

It is quite possible that I am over-reacting to some things Chris said and did though moving posts around in a meeting was highly improper.

I was being facetious. I am absolutely certain that Chris has done nothing whatsoever except criticize (some of) your actions.

Deflecting the issue now to your impression that he was deliberately slowing down the registration process on this board seems like grasping at straws.
In any case, I guess a lot of this may be properly aired during the upcoming meeting(s).
It seems there is a lot of laundry that the CFC has to hang on the line...

I commend you for the time and effort you have put into the CFC over the last number of years, but I think it is time for some new people on the Executive board.

Christopher Mallon
03-26-2021, 08:31 PM
It is my impression that Chris Mallon was slow walking registering people for the forum prior to the last election. He says that this is not so. There may have been some element of broken automatic email notification involved in this. This resulted in multiple emails to me as president complaining about the inability to register. Many of these complaints came from people trying to give testimonials on Victor Plotkin's behalf. I asked for the ability to approve people for posting. For the most part these were people who I had known for a long time. I did not receive this ability to approve people for posting. I continued to receive complaints with no ability to resolve the situation. When I included Chris Mallon in my responses to these people I was blasted for sharing his email with people. Most of the people are well known chess players.

It is quite possible that I am over-reacting to some things Chris said and did though moving posts around in a meeting was highly improper.

You have, and have always had, the ability to approve new people. Why are you still pretending that you don't, when you in fact approved people during or just before the last meeting? In between meetings, I don't always check every single day to see if anyone new is online. Just because the situation from your perspective had changed (sudden influx of people weeks ahead of upcoming vote) doesn't mean that I slowed down and certainly doesn't mean I was intentionally being obstructive.

Maybe instead of sharing my personal email with people, you could have found out why my chess.ca email for the forums wasn't working? I don't need my phone buzzing all day because of impatient people who think I have nothing better to do than fix a forum problem.

I still believe my intent in the meeting was correct with those posts, but I should have just mass-quoted them into the other thread instead of moving them. It would have been a simple matter for you (or I or Lyle) to undo, however, rather than making a big deal about it.