View Full Version : Line-ups for Chennai-2022

Victor Plotkin
07-04-2022, 06:30 PM

Some interesting points:

1. As expected, no Russia/Belarus.

2. No China.

3. Norway is #4 by average rating.

4. No Nakamura for USA, no Anand for India, no MVL/Firouzja for France, no Gelfand for Israel.

5. Canada is ranking 45th, the lowest since 2012.

Victor Plotkin
07-06-2022, 07:32 AM
The Canadian line-up was used for registration only. I will announce the board order after Canadian Open, which means by the end of the next week.

Victor Plotkin
07-17-2022, 07:07 PM
Board order:

1. GM E.Hansen
2. IM R.Panjwani
3. IM N.Noritsyn
4. GM R.Preotu
5. IM A.Samsonkin

We still need Nikolay and Razvan to get visas to make this board order relevant.

Victor Plotkin
07-25-2022, 11:37 AM
I am very happy that finally, 1 day before the departure everyone from the National Team has an Indian visa.

Victor Plotkin
07-25-2022, 11:39 AM
Board order on chess-result is updated and now reflects captains decision and not random order from registration.


Aris Marghetis
07-25-2022, 02:28 PM
I am very happy that finally, 1 day before the departure everyone from the National Team has an Indian visa.


I got here a few hours ago - the efforts being put in for this are just exceptional!!