View Full Version : 13. Adjournment and Closing Comments of the Chair

Vladimir Drkulec
09-18-2022, 09:58 PM
I would like to thank everyone that participated in this meeting. These comments might have been posted earlier but we had at least a brief outage for maintenance. We probably need to shorten these meetings a bit.

I look forward to working with the new board including Vice President Olga Mushtaler our newest member of the board.

As noted elsewhere on the forums and by Richard Berube in these meetings, Canada has produced another world champion in Shawn Rodrigue-Lemieux who won in the U18 Open at WYCC. I think this is our fourth world champion in the last decade or so at WYCC or WCCC. Shawn has capped off a remarkable year and has even played 1.a3 on the way to his victory in Romania. I can't wait to hear more from him about his victory and hope that he continues to have the magical 2022 that he has had up to now maybe capping it off soon with a GM title. He has one of the three required norms from this WYCC tournament. Congratulations, Shawn!

For the CFC, I think we are on the road to recovery from the Covid pandemic and hope to see more Canadians playing in over the board chess tournaments in the coming months and year. Despite not qualifying for Covid relief we seem to have weathered the storm. Covid is still with us but it is not the show stopper that it was earlier before we learned how to deal with it.

If we are going to have four meetings this year we probably should aim for a meeting in late November through mid December. My inclination is to have a meeting in three months from December 11 through 18 unless there is a lot of negative reaction to those dates. Perhaps we will shorten it a bit so that we are not having an eight day meeting. Let us know what you think.

The meeting is adjourned and the threads will shortly be closed for posting.

Thank you again for your participation.