View Full Version : CFC Secretary - Duties Do Not Need Amending

Bob Armstrong
11-20-2009, 03:55 AM
Governor Michael von Keitz and I are bringing a motion to delete from Motion 2010-01 the part dealing with the Secretary. We see nothing wrong with the current section, and the proposed section drops some specific duties of the Secretary. Here is our motion:

Motion # 5 - Amending Motion 2010-01 re Secretary ( Bylaw 3, Duties of Officers, sections 6 & 7 )

Moved: Robert Armstrong Seconded: Michael von Keitz

That the section of motion 2010-01 referring to “ Secretary “ be deleted from the motion.


The current section 6 of Bylaw 3 states:


6. The Secretary shall have the custody of, and be responsible for the safekeeping of all books, records, correspondence and other documents pertaining to the affairs of the Federation, other than those required to be kept by the Treasurer. He shall perform those duties incidental to the offices of a recording Secretary, a corresponding Secretary and a general Secretary. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Secretary shall:
a) Whenever possible be present at meetings of the Assembly of Governors and the Board of Directors and record the Minutes thereof;
b) After the Minutes have been corrected and certified by the Chairman, have the same typewritten, and inserted in the Minute Book;
c) Preserve the original Minutes as transcribed by the Secretary, and as corrected and certified, in a separate file;
d) Conduct all routine correspondence on behalf of the Federation;
e) Refer any matter arising from any correspondence and which requires the consideration of the Assembly of Governors, or of the Board of Directors, or of the President, to the President;
f) Refer any matter arising from correspondence and which requires the consideration of any other Officer, or Committee, to such Officer or Committee;
g) Conduct correspondence with members of the general public generally, pertaining to membership in the Federation;
h) Accumulate, file or record all information which comes to his knowledge through persons or Officers of any Club, or other Organization, or through any publication, which might be of interest to chess players generally;
i) File or record any letter or information at the request of any Governor;
j) Furnish information to the press in his discretion on matters of fact; provided however, that the Secretary shall not give out any information on a matter which has to go before the Assembly, without the consent of the Assembly, or on any matter which involves the opinion or policy of the Federation, without the consent of the President.
7. The Secretary shall perform any other duties in connection with his office, whenever requested by the Assembly of Governors or the Board of Directors.”

The proposed section in the executive motion 2010-01 is:

“ Secretary

The Secretary will be responsible for the safekeeping of all books, records, correspondence and other documents pertaining to the affairs of the CFC.
The Secretary will be responsible for the minutes of the AGM and any and all Executive Meetings.
The Secretary will be responsible for the distribution to the governors of all motions, and for the tabulation of the voting results for all motions. “

We are uncertain why the old sections need amendment. This new section tries to telescope the wording of the section substantially, but it does not capture some of the obligations of the Secretary set out in the current sections. We see no need to amend the current sections and therefore are moving to delete the section dealing with “ Secretary “ from the Motion 2010-01.

We would be pleased to receive any input before filing our motion.

