View Full Version : Vice-President Duties - Do Not Need Changing

Bob Armstrong
11-23-2009, 12:44 PM
Motion 2010-01 changes the Bylaw 3 section on the Duties of Officers, re the Vice-President. It states:

Vice President

The Vice-President will take on the duties and title of President if and when the President becomes
unwilling or unable to discharge his/her duties.
The Vice-President will manage the CFC's relationship with FIDE, including submitting title requests on
behalf of Canadians who have qualified for various titles.

Governor Hal Bond and I are opposed to changing the current section on the Treasurer, so we will be filing the following motion:

Motion # 3 - Amending Motion 2010-01 re Vice- President ( Bylaw 3, Duties of Officers, section 5 )

Moved: Robert Armstrong Seconded: Hal Bond

That the section of motion 2010-01 referring to “ Vice-President “ be deleted from the motion.


This section of the former executive motion 2010-01 seeks to move FIDE responsibilities to the Vice-President. We are against this. FIDE responsibilities require a separate officer’s oversight. Governor Phil Haley was FIDE rep for some years and is opposed to this motion for this reason. We agree with his experienced opinion. We are thus seeking to delete the amending of the Vice-President duties from the motion 2010-01. We are satisfied that the basic substance of the current section 5, Bylaw 3 dealing with Vice-Presidential duties is adequate.

We would be pleased to receive any input you may have before we file the motion.

