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Egidijus Zeromskis
04-14-2010, 03:57 PM

Bob Armstrong
04-14-2010, 04:33 PM
Motion 2010-05 - Governor Activity Rule - is shown in GL # 4 as being up now for final GL vote. Here is the motion:

Motion 2010-05 – Governor Activity Rule
Moved: Bob Armstrong; Seconded: Jason Lohner

There shall be added to CFC By-law # 2, a new section 23 as follows:

“ 23. Governor Inactivity Rule

Any governor, no matter whether provincial representative governor, or governor at large, including the Executive, appointees, etc., who does not vote, move/second a motion, or make a comment ( on a motion or generally ), in two consecutive Governors’ Letters, shall be removed from office, and their position shall no longer be part of a quorum until their replacement, if any. Should it happen that in a GL there are no motions for either discussion or vote, then that GL shall not be counted for the purposes of this section. Once removed, the Governor and his provincial body/appointing body shall be notified. A request that a by-election be held to fill the vacancy shall also be made to the provincial/territorial organization or that the appointing body appoint a replacement, for the balance of the removed governor’s term. "

However, this motion was supposed to go to the Toronto July CFC AGM for vote, not in the GL's. However, the issue is now resolved. Here is my recent e-mail to the CFC Constitutional Coalition, on whose behalf the motion had been brought:

" Hi to the CFC Constitutional Coalition:

As you know, our Governor Activity Rule Motion 2010-05 was wrongly shown in the GL # 4 just issued as coming on for “ final vote “. This was an error by the CFC Secretary, since it was not to come up for vote until the Toronto July AGM.

Eric van Dusen, President, to his credit, has moved very quickly to correct the error. He has instructed the Secretary to treat the upcoming GL vote as only a “ straw “ vote. This means it will be only an expression of opinion by the Governors, and will not be binding. The actual motion will now still go to the AGM to be finally voted on there.

Thanks to Eric for his quick action.
