View Full Version : Toronto July CFC AGM - Face-to-Face Meeting as Usual ( and Maybe More )

Bob Armstrong
04-27-2010, 07:48 AM
From his most recent entry on Canadian chess in his chess blog, Can. GM Kevin Spraggett has it wrong....again ( as he often does ). Here is what he wrote:

" the CFC has decided to chuck the annual get together (Annual General Meeting--AGM) and instead have the meeting held online during a week-long period! Some were complaining about how few Governors showed up face to face at the AGMs, and the solution decided upon was to simply eliminate the AGM as we know it! "

Totally wrong.

The AGM Modernization Subcommittee has developed a new model for the Toronto July CFC AGM to be held Monday and Tuesday of the Canadian Open, as usual. But there will be some differences ( if we can test out the model and see that it works, in a trial meeting in May sometime ). Here is the model, developed by Chris Mallon of the Subcommittee:

Option # 1: Governors’ Hybrid Model

1. On-site Component - This will have a face-to-face governor meeting component, as is now done. But it will use technology which will allow governors to participate from their own home computers – video and audio, one way; texting, both ways..

2. Website Use - It will employ a text chat server, such as Webcast2000.com. CFC sets up a special text chat server. Webcast2000.com provides live webcasting for about $3 per session. Since it is employing a website, governors not present will not need to download any special program. They can just log in.

3. Webcam Use - It will use visual technology to give non-present governors greater participation. You set up a laptop with a video camera (cost: $700 and good for several years if taken care of. Or perhaps someone can loan a laptop in which case the cost is more like $300 for a camera and a USB video capture device. A cheap $30 Webcam could also be used, but quality of video will suffer ). This way, when someone present at the AGM location is speaking, they will be able to be seen by non-present governors.

4. Audio Broadcast - It will use audio technology to give non-present governors greater participation, although this will be one-way broadcasting from the site, at the same time as the video broadcasting. The video equipment is equipped with sound broadcasting ability. There will be a microphone at the site as part of the technology required. Non-present governors will only need normal speakers to receive the audio of the meeting.

5. Text Participation - Non-present governors will participate by typing text into the chat window which is part of the website being used. Although anyone could be allowed to log on and participate, it will be necessary to impose a “ private “ restriction on logging in, so only governors will be participating.

6. “ Speaking “ Order - Non-present governors will indicate to the secretary on site with the laptop ( could be the CFC E.D., or the CFC Secretary, or someone else who can be on site ), that they wish to speak, by typing in the phrase: “ I raise my hand “ ( or something similar ). CFC would have to send each governor individually a recognition phrase so they can identify themselves when they get online. The identity of the typer will appear in the chat window beside their indication they wish to speak. ( this could be done by e-mail to the site, but this is awkward and more difficult to deal with ). To save time, immediately after they indicate they wish to text something, they could start typing their actual question. On the chat window everything appears in order so you go in order of who “raised” their hand first.. The secretary will read out the text to the present governors as he recognizes the text writers. An IRC chat server can be provided for free (Chris’ Mallon’s online business runs one already and it has plenty of space free).[ Chris is checking to see if the website has a chat window ]

7. Voting – the Chair of the meeting, usually the President, will convey by webcam that he is calling a vote on a motion, after sufficient discussion. Then all non-present governors can type in their vote, which will be recorded by the secretary. This will therefore be a public vote, since everyone will see how governors are voting in the chat window, as messages come in. This approximates the public voting by show of hands that will be occurring for the present governors. As well, there is a mechanism for private messages that could be used for confidential votes. We are doing further research into this aspect of the voting. Although normal motion votes are by show of hands, election of officers is by secret ballot. So this alternate method could be used for those votes.

8. Proxies – Governors will only be allowed their own vote – they will not be able to hold a proxy. But a governor not attending will be able to give his proxy to a substitute, a non-governor. This could either be a full discretionary proxy, or a “ directed “ proxy ( setting out the vote to be cast on the various motions ), or a combination.

9. Vote Registration Form – for those non-attending governors who do not want to get involved in the proxy system, they will be able to send to the secretary a voting certificate, setting out their vote for all motions, and the secretary will cast their votes at the relevant time.

This model has been posted for some time on the members' CFC Chess Forum for public input. Currently the Subcommittee has approached Chris Mallon with a request that he take charge of the holding of a " Trial AGM " to test out the model - we are still awaiting his answer ( he hasn't responded to our last two e-mails to him - Chris, if you read this, please e-mail me your answer ).

In any event, if the new model cannot be implemented this coming AGM, it will be for the 2011 AGM. In the meantime then, the CFC AGM will go on as a face-to-face meeting of governors as usual in July in Toronto.
