View Full Version : Motion 2010-03 - Elimination of Life Governors Passes ( " straw vote " )

Bob Armstrong
05-04-2010, 02:54 AM
In GL # 4, the results of the voting on Motion 2010-03 were published ( Eric has declared it is only a " straw vote " ):

Motion # 2010-03: (Moved/Seconded Patrick McDonald / Paul Leblanc)

Governors-at-Large – Past CFC Presidents: Section 6 of By-law # 2 is amended by deleting

“ the past Presidents of the Federation who have served as President for at least two full terms. A term is that period between one annual meeting and the next.”

and deleting

“ the past Presidents who have been granted the life title of Governor at Large as at September 1994. “

There shall be added after the words “ five years “ in the remaining section, the sentence “ A term is that period between one annual meeting and the next.”


The current appointment of past CFC Presidents under the CFC Handbook is under section 6 of Bylaw 2, which states:


The following persons shall be known as Governors at large:

the past Presidents of the Federation who have served as President for at least two full terms. A term is that period between one annual
meeting and the next.

the past Presidents of the Federation who have served as President for at least one full term in theimmediately preceding five years.
the past Presidents who have been granted the life title of Governor at Large as at September 1994. "

The new revised section will now read ( as to the part referring to former Presidents ):


The following persons shall be known as Governors at large:…

the past Presidents of the Federation who have served as President for at least one full term in the immediately preceding five years. A term is that period between one annual meeting and the next. “.

It is felt that it is undemocratic in this day and age for CFC to have “ Life “ governors. Even the Canadian senate now has an imposed retirement age. It unbalances the democratic principles on which the CFC is founded, to give someone a vote for life, where they are not accountable to any electorate any longer. Thus this motion will eliminate all life governor presidents ( appointed on and before September 1994 and any past president who was elected more than five years ago and has served 2 consecutive terms ).

We do recognize the loss of experience in the Assembly our motion will cause, and the contributions life governors have made, but we have kept on the past presidents from the last 5 years. These are the presidents that have the most claim on some type of “ recently elected “ factor. And they are the most current past presidents, and so have been dealing with the newest issues facing the organization. As well, earlier past presidents can always run again for provincial governor if they want to stay active. Also, they can easily let it be known that they are more than ready to give advice when asked, or to serve as member volunteers on committees, etc.

Finally, we are proposing that those governors removed by this motion, be reappointed as non-voting Governors at large for 10 years ( see motion 2010-04 below ). Currently there are 10 ( one apparently has asked to be removed but that hasn’t been done yet ) past president governors who are life governors under this section. The Life governors who would be eliminated are: Les Bunning, Francisco Cabanas, Nathan Divinsky, Yves Farges, Terry
Fleming Phil Haley, Halldor Palsson, Maurice Smith ( he would still be a governor at large though as current Treasurer ), Peter Stockhausen and Bruce D. Thomas.. The potential number of such governors-at-large could be reduced to the most recent 5 presidents ( and Life Governors
eliminated ), by deleting the 2 of three categories identified in the motion:

“ the past Presidents of the Federation who have served as President for at least two full terms “


“the past Presidents who have been granted the life title of Governor at Large as at September 1994. “

We feel that this will enhance the democratic nature of the CFC.

Here are the votes:

Votes Yes (27):
Armstrong, Barron, Bluvshtein, Bond, Brodie, Coleman, Craft, Demian, Einarsson, Gladstone, Hughey, Leblanc, Mallon, Marghetis, McDonald, McKim, Milicevic, Nadeau, Nunes, Pedersen, Risi, Ritchie, Starr, Steer, Stringer, von Keitz, Zeromskis

Votes No (5):
Bunning, Craver, Dutton, Haley, Smith

Abstentions (2): Cabanas, Evans

Total Votes Cast: 34 (65.4%) [ Note: there are 60 governors, so I think this is a mistake - the percentage was 56.7 % ]
Percentage of Vote Yes: 84.4 %

This motion will now go on to the Toronto July CFC AGM ( Outgoing Governors' Meeting - July 12 ) for final vote.
