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  1. Chess opening preparation (Part 2 of 2)

    by , 10-27-2014 at 11:10 PM (Games, analysis and discussion)
    After you are satisfied with the repertoire you have selected, and are studying it in an ongoing way (and practicing/testing it in blitz and/or offhand games, perhaps), as much as your time and inclination allows, it's time to think about:

    3. Your form as a player (and person):

    Even before you enter a tournament, any number of factors may work against your having good chess form. Examples:
    [1]- poor diet
    [2]- sleep poorly during tournaments, or in general ...

    Updated 02-11-2021 at 02:05 PM by Kevin Pacey

    Chess opening repertoire discussion
  2. Chess opening preparation (Part 1 of 2)

    by , 10-27-2014 at 09:34 PM (Games, analysis and discussion)
    The following (both Parts 1 & 2) is based partly on old chesstalk posts of mine:

    How does a player prepare his openings or prepare for games? Much has been written about these subjects, but I will try to sum up what I think is some very useful advice for players below grandmaster level especially.

    First, before thinking about tournament play, try to figure out if you have a suitable repertoire. To check this, or to build a custom made repertoire from scratch, first ...

    Updated 02-09-2021 at 02:23 AM by Kevin Pacey

    Chess opening repertoire discussion