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Thread: July 20, 2024 Guinness World Records Attempt chess games played in a day

  1. #1
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    Default July 20, 2024 Guinness World Records Attempt chess games played in a day

    Guinness World Records Attempt: Registration of tournaments open
    On July 20, 2024, the International Chess Day, FIDE celebrates its centenary anniversary. To mark this date, we aim to set the Guinness World Record for the most chess games played within 24 hours, both online and over-the-board. FIDE invites federations, chess organizers and clubs to join the attempt and help us set a new milestone for the chess world! Be a part of the biggest chess day of all time! You can participate in the Guinness World Records attempt from any corner of the globe. Requirements for tournaments to join the Guinness World Records Attempt:

    1. To be eligible, tournaments must meet to the following criteria:

    • Held between July 20, 2024 00:00:00 CEST and July 21, 2024 00:00:00 CEST; a single round of a several day event, played on July 20, is also compliant with the attempt;
    • Supervised by a FIDE licensed arbiter;
    • Registered on the official website of the Guinness World Records Attempt before July 15;
    • Eligible formats:
    • OTB: Swiss system, round-robin, or simultaneous display tournament;
    • Online: Swiss system or round-robin tournaments, arena or individual 'online rated' games, with a minimum number of 15 moves.

    2. Game requirements are the following:
    • Games must adhere to the Laws of Chess with specific time controls and formats;
    • Minimum 3 min. + 2 sec. increment per move, starting from move 1 (for games with increment) or 5 min. per game (for games without increment);
    • Maximum duration: 8 hours;
    • All games need to start and finish within the designated 24 hours to count.

    3. Submitting Results:
    • The event supervisor/FIDE licensed arbiter needs to confirm the number of games played, provide to FIDE a standard TRF file and sign a protocol confirming the number of games played;

    The registration of the tournaments participating in the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS Attempt is available via the official FIDE Guinness World Record Attempt page.
    Registration deadline: July 15, 2024

    About the Guinness World Records Guinness World Records, originally known as the Guinness Book of Records, has emerged as the definitive authority on record-breaking achievements, stemming from the idea of resolving disputes in pubs with a book of facts. Today, it stands as a global brand, with offices spanning London, New York, Beijing, Tokyo, and Dubai, alongside a network of brand ambassadors worldwide. Its mission extends beyond the pages of its iconic book, now encompassing TV shows, social media, and live events, all aimed at documenting the extraordinary.

    Copyright © 2023 International Chess Federation, All rights reserved.

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    Last edited by Vladimir Drkulec; 05-29-2024 at 02:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default FIDE Guiness World Record Attempt

    FIDE has called upon the global chess community to set the world record for most chess games played in a day.

    The date is July 20th 2024, which has historical significance.

    Here is the link to FIDE announcement.

    It would seem the national federations are responsible for coordinating events in their respective countries.
    As if we weren't busy enough!!

    Anyway, I wanted to get the word out early. Please read the announcement carefully.
    I have a few questions for them, so please add your questions here, I will add them to my own.


  3. #3
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    Default Let's Do It - Set the Record !!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
    FIDE has called upon the global chess community to set the world record for most chess games played in a day.

    The date is July 20th 2024, which has historical significance.

    Here is the link to FIDE announcement.

    It would seem the national federations are responsible for coordinating events in their respective countries.
    As if we weren't busy enough!!

    Anyway, I wanted to get the word out early. Please read the announcement carefully.
    I have a few questions for them, so please add your questions here, I will add them to my own.


    The first thing I realized (actually it wasn't the first thing I realized and I had to eventually reschedule my whole tournament, but luckily I hadn't advertized it yet) is that the window that is available to the chess games to count for the record is during the day of July 20 as it is defined in Lausanne, SWI. When I converted the time I realized that would be Fri, July 19 at 7:00:00pm to Sat, July 20 at 6:59:59pm in the Atlantic time zone. That would be an hour earlier in the Eastern time zone. If I've interpreted that wrong, someone let me know.

    Perhaps of most interest to the readers is my Lichess tournament, A 7 round Blitz tournament Friday evening, July 19, with Game in 5 minutes and increment of 2 seconds (slow Blitz). This is not a CFC tournament, and the Lichess site is supposed to handle the administrative aspect of notifying FIDE. There is no entry fee and there will be some tiny cash prizes. I normally hold these type of events about every 3rd week, and often get a half dozen master strength players from the other side of the world.

    If you happen to live in PEI or want to come over from NS or NB for a 2.5 hour tournament, I'm holding a 5 round Rapid tournament Saturday morning, July 20, in Charlottetown. The 5 round Swiss will have a time control of 10 minutes with a 5 second delay. This will be CFC Quick chess rated and I think CFC membership fees may be waived, on the condition that organizers enter any NEW players into the JustGo system, themselves, as part of the deal. Presumably Bob will be confirming that in the days ahead. This tournament is available to only the first 32 players who e-transfer the entry fee, because of the size of the facility.


  4. #4
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    My couple questions regarding the promotion of the event:

    I understand tournaments don't need to be rated at all to be eligible for game counts. However, rating points is a good attraction. Thus:

    Will the CFC rate OTB tournaments if some players are not the CFC members? The same thing with FIDE. Lets assume only rapid and blitz events.

    In regulations FIDE put this clause:
    "Evidences The National Chess Federation is responsible for overseeing each event, collecting evidence proving the facts mentioned in the protocol signed by arbiter."

    How will that work? Pictures? Videos? I doubt that the spec representative will be sent to overlook.

  5. #5
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    Aug 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Fred McKim View Post
    The first thing I realized (actually it wasn't the first thing I realized and I had to eventually reschedule my whole tournament, but luckily I hadn't advertized it yet) is that the window that is available to the chess games to count for the record is during the day of July 20 as it is defined in Lausanne, SWI. When I converted the time I realized that would be Fri, July 19 at 7:00:00pm to Sat, July 20 at 6:59:59pm in the Atlantic time zone. That would be an hour earlier in the Eastern time zone. If I've interpreted that wrong, someone let me know.
    That what I read too. In principle we have a Friday evening, and Saturday morning and afternoon.

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